National Dog Day Quotes | Dog Day Shayari 2021

National Dog Day Quotes, Shayari: राष्ट्रीय कुत्ता दिवस 26 अगस्त को मनाया जाएगा. इस दिन आप हर एक गली के कुते को खाना और उसे प्यार करना चाहिए. क्यूंकि कुता एक ऐसा पालतू जानवर है जो खुद से ज्यादा उसको पालने वाले को प्यार करता है.

अगर आपके घर में भी कुता है तो आपने कभी महसूस किया ही होगा की यह खुद से जायदा अपन लोगो को प्यार करते है और हमने किसी मुस्किल से बचाने के लिए खुद की जान पर खेल लेते है और कभी कभी खुद की जान भी गवा बेठते है. इसलिए आपको इनके साथ थोडा सा अच्छा समय बिताना चाहिए और हमेशा खाना भी देना चाहिए.

National Dog Day Quotes

National Dog Day Quotes

"It's just the
Most amazing thing
to love a dog isn't it?
It Makes our relationships
with people seem as boring
as a bowl of oatmeal"
"Everyone things
they have the 
Best Dog
and none of them
are wrong" 

National Dog Day Shayari

The Bond with a
true Dog is
as lasting as the
ties of this earth
will ever be. 
A Dog is only things on earth
that loves you more than he loves himself 

National Dog Day Quotes

Dogs are not our whole life,
But they make our lives whole.
Happy National Dog Day 
"I heard somebody define heaven once,
she said looking at pearl,
as a place where
when you get there
all the dogs you ever loved
run to greet you" 

National Dog Day Shayari

"If you have a dog in your life then you found
a true friend who will always stay with you."
Every Day is National Dog Day. 
they know it and so do we. Happy Dog Day

National Dog Day Quotes

When you wake up sad and dull, dogs are there to give your boring day a kick start with their positive energy and love. They are always there to make you smile, to destroy your sorrows, and to bring happiness and zeal to your life. Wonderful wishes to you on National Dog Day my friend
Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong.
Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really.
Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.